What does a School Management Software Offer?

Student Information
School Management Software will show information about the students. For example. Roll No, Student’s Class Section, the course the student is studying currently, student’s image, admission number, etc.

 Student Admission
The School Management Software also enables you to show the admission details of a student. For example. Admission number, date of admission etc.

Fee Management
School Management Software also provides the fee management feature through which a student or parent can check how much fee do they have to have and when is it due? In the digital age a fee management software also provides digital mediums through which one can pay their school fee online.

Grading and Examination
The grading and Examination feature allows the students and parents to see the performance grades of the student in every subject. This feature also provides the examination date sheet as well as the result mark sheet.

Parent-Teacher Communication
An exciting feature provided by the School Management Software is the Parent Teacher Communicator. This helps a parent to get in touch with their student’s subject teacher.

Gallery and Achievements
This feature allows you to show the achievements of the students of the school and photos and information regarding the events organized inside the school.

Staff Information
Staff information refers to the faculty details of the school.

Attendance Management
The School Management Software also allows students to check their attendance. This shows how many classes have been held so far and how many have the student attended.

Time Table
This feature will let the students know the timings of every lecture subject wise.


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