Student Search Made Easy With Student Information System.

Our School Management Software is very userfriendly as it covers many features that help schools to easily perform their daily tasks. Searching through a vast database of students can be a difficult task sometimes. Our software makes it just a one-click job to search the required student profile. There are many ways in which you can search for a student's information through our software. 1. Admission Number You can easily search for any student's information by just entering their admission number in the search bar. Just go to the dashboard, click on the student management and it will take you to the student search page where you can type the admission number and search for the particular student. 2. First and Last Name You can search for the desired student by just entering the first and last name of the student and the required information will appear on your screen. 3. Class and Section You can also search for a student by just ent...